6 Science-Backed Tips to Boost Your Metabolism

Article posted in: Fitness Lifestyle Nutrition
metabolism and weight loss

Metabolism… it’s something you hear all the time but may not fully understand. When you’re trying to lose weight and get fit, your metabolic rate is a key factor to your success. Luckily, there are many science-backed methods that can help give your metabolism a boost! We’ve rounded up some tips to help.

Many of these tips are simple and easy to incorporate in your everyday life, something that you might not expect for such a fancy, science-driven word like “metabolism.” Really, however, our bodies are capable of so much on their own, as long as they are properly nourished, hydrated, exercised and rested. Take these tips and boost your metabolism today!

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Here are six science-backed tips that can help increase your metabolism:

1. Stay Hydrated


If there is one metabolism-boosting tip that you should adopt today, it’s this one! “In a 2014 study, 12 people who drank 500 mL of cold and room temperature water experienced an increase in energy expenditure,” says Medical News Today. Drinking water has also been associated with appetite suppression, making it the perfect beverage for your weight loss diet.

Not only is drinking water great for weight loss but it is also key to overall health. According to a report, published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, chronic mild hypohydration is correlated with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, making sure you have consumed enough water ensures that your body, including your metabolism, is working at its best.

On the South Beach Diet, we recommend drinking half of your body weight in ounces of fluid each day. However, please note that this is just a recommendation and you may need more or less fluid based on your activity level or other factors. Speak to your doctor to ensure you are hydrating properly for your specific needs. Use these 14 Infused Water Recipes for a delicious way to boost your hydration!

2. Pump Up the Protein


Food increases your metabolism for a few hours after eating, also known as the thermic effect of food. According to Healthline, protein causes the largest increase, raising your metabolic rate by about 15 to 30 percent. Meanwhile, carbs only raise it about five to 10 percent and fats raise it about zero to three percent. “Eating more protein can also reduce the drop in metabolism often associated with losing fat. This is because it reduces muscle loss, which is a common side effect of dieting,” says Healthline. So, if you are looking to feel fuller for longer, prevent overeating and increase your metabolism, turn to some protein-packed snacks and meals throughout your day!

3. Weight Training


According to Healthline, “Muscle is more metabolically active than fat.” Therefore, increasing your muscle mass can naturally boost your metabolism. Try incorporating some weightlifting into your exercise regimen to help you retain muscle and increase your metabolic rate.

Explore the Fitness section here on The Palm Weight Loss Blog for a wide variety of muscle-building exercises! Check out some of our favorite fitness routines below:

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4. Get more sleep


When you do not get a proper amount of sleep, you feel sluggish. But even more than that, missing out on shuteye can affect your body’s functioning. According to research, published in the International Journal of Endocrinology, “There is growing interest and evidence that sleep loss and sleep disorders have a significant impact on metabolism. Laboratory studies have clearly shown that sleep deprivation can alter the glucose metabolism and hormones involved in regulating metabolism, that is, decreased leptin levels and increased ghrelin levels.” So, get more sleep and give your body the chance to do its natural work!

Having trouble with your slumber schedule? Check out these Seven To-Dos for Your Best Night of Sleep (Ever!) and make sure to read up on the Four Things to Avoid Before Bed for a Better Sleep! >

5. Drink Tea and Coffee


Daily tea time is a great way to relax, bond with friends or sit back by yourself with a good book. But did you also know that it may increase your metabolism? Certain teas, such as oolong and green tea, are said to increase the metabolism by four to five percent and may help prevent weight loss plateaus. According to Healthline, “These teas help convert some of the fat stored in your body into free fatty acids, which may increase fat burning by 10–17%.”

In the same vein, coffee and its natural caffeine levels have also been shown to increase resting metabolic rates. According to a study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, “Drinking four cups of coffee daily could reduce body fat by about 4%.” Researchers believe that this fat loss is caused by an increase in the metabolism from caffeine. This burns more calories and ultimately leads to a reduction in body fat.

Coffee and tea might give your metabolism a boost but it’s still important to combine them with a healthy diet and exercise routine for successful weight loss. Livestrong.com explains, “To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than your body needs. Drinking one of these teas may help you burn a few extra calories, but to lose the weight you need to eat fewer calories, exercise more or a combination of both.” While more research is needed on the metabolism-boosting benefits of caffeinated beverages, coffee and tea can still be a healthful addition to your diet in moderation. Just be sure to speak with your doctor to ensure caffeine is safe for you. Learn more about the health benefits of green tea and coffee! >

6. HIIT Training

HIIT Workout

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a workout that combines fast and intense exercises with intervals of rest and active recovery. According to Grand Canyon University, “Not only does HIIT burn calories during the workout session, it causes your metabolism to stay elevated and burn calories for hours after your workout. Your metabolism will stay elevated because of the time it takes to restore energy and repair tissue.”

Adding in a few HIIT workouts to your regular fitness routine can help shake up your metabolism and kick it into high gear! We love HIIT because it provides a great workout in a short period of time. You can easily squeeze 15 to 20-minutes of HIIT into your busy schedule to get a quick full-body workout. Click here to learn more about HIIT and get our beginner workouts! >

Click here for a list of sources used in this article. >

*Always speak to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or fitness routine.