Celery Juice: Wellness Fad or Long-Term Habit

Article posted in: Nutrition
celery juice

What happens to any fruit or veggie when it’s juiced? Do you know? Juicing machines remove the pulp, skin and insoluble fiber of fresh fruits and vegetables leaving behind juice and some of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and soluble fiber. Any health professional will tell you that drinking fresh fruit, vegetable juice or specifically celery juice is hydrating and helps squeeze more fruits, veggies and nutrients into your diet.

However, more research is needed to identify the health benefits of juicing. And, Harvard Health says there’s no scientific evidence that suggests extracted juices are healthier than the juice you get by eating the fruit or vegetable itself. But what about celery juice? It’s being touted as a cure-all to many diseases and lots of celebrities are claiming it fights inflammation, cancer, eczema and infertility. Is #celeryjuice unlike other juices? Is it really the miracle elixir Instagram says it is?

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Let’s check out the facts:

Celery vs. Celery Juice

celery vs. celery juice

Almost 95 percent of celery is water, which can help you meet your daily water requirement (remember: on South Beach Diet, that’s 64 ounces a day). Celery is also a good source of Vitamin K. One cup contains 30 percent of the recommended daily intake, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Plus, celery contains vitamins C, A and B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and plenty of dietary fiber.

According to information published in the Washington Post, celery juice lacks insoluble fiber, which promotes bowel regularity, lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood sugars, feeds healthy bacteria in the gut and promotes satiety. Celery juice (and all juices, really) lacks protein, which keeps us feeling full and helps maintain muscle mass. Plus, a cup of celery has about 20 calories. According to CNN, a cup of juiced celery has 42 calories because concentrated vegetables or fruits are higher in sugars and carbohydrates—not to mention sodium. One bunch of celery, the amount needed to make 16 ounces of celery juice, contains 800 mg of sodium—more than you’ll get in two orders of French fries.

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But, I Heard Celery Juice Reduces Inflammation?

celery juice

Perhaps. In a January 2015 issue of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, researchers found that apigenin, one of celery’s healthful ingredients, has the ability to reduce inflammation. Luteolin, another abundant plant compound found in celery, also has the power to fight inflammation, as noted in a 2008 Science News study. However, both tests were conducted on mice and none were conducted on flavonoids gleaned specifically from celery juice. A May 2017 report in Advances in Nutrition found flavonoid concentrations are 20 times higher in celery leaves than the stalks. If you want to make the most of those flavonoids, use a blender to make your “juice” and throw in the leaves and stalks.

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So, Should I Stop Drinking Celery Juice?

celery juice

Not necessarily. If you like the flavor and find it’s the easiest way for you to “eat” fruits and vegetables, have at it. Celery juice is mostly water so it is hydrating, does contain vitamins and minerals, and is better for you than sugary sodas or teas. Harvard Health suggests paying attention if you order celery juice from your favorite juice bar, making sure you know what’s going in your drink. Celery can be bitter and mixologists often add other sweet fruit juices to enhance the flavor.